🏙From Top of the City | 登华州第一高楼🏙
A visit to Sky View Observatory on 73rd floor of Columbia Center, the tallest building of Seattle and Washington State.
我们结婚啦❤️ Wedding @ Seattle Courthouse, 11/20/2020
We got married on November 20th, 2020, at Seattle Courthouse!
Cook-rantine | 云大厨
40-ish dishes made during the cook-rantine.
Memorial Weekend across Puget Sound
We spent another barely planned vacation across the Puget Sound.
西雅图三俗 之 华大樱花🌸
前几天得知华大的樱花这周末将迎来盛开的巅峰,于是起了个大早就去凑热闹了。 然后,人就越来越多了。。。