A day trip to the historical, Victorian style Port Townsend.

A day trip to the historical, Victorian style Port Townsend.
We spent one day on the water, another day up in the sky – anywhere but on the ground.
A very short yet much needed stay at Paradise Mt. Rainier, during the pandemic.
Another cold and rainy winter (at Seattle), yet another warm destination for our Thanksgiving vacation.
We spent another barely planned vacation across the Puget Sound.
前几天得知华大的樱花这周末将迎来盛开的巅峰,于是起了个大早就去凑热闹了。 然后,人就越来越多了。。。
We took the cruise on the first sunny day in 2019, from Lake Union, through locks, and back to the Elliot Bay and Seattle Waterfront. Below is the route of cruise. We had a late lunch after the tour, at the Crab Pot, a restaurant famous for its hammers.
Day 1: The Overrated Coast Starlight | 过誉的海岸星空号 久闻海岸星空号的大名,这回去波特兰特地买了卧铺小包间。体验嘛,车厢环境一般,风景差强人意(可能是因为美景在加州一号公路那段,我们看不到)。 三四个小时后我们到了波特兰。首先去了著名的Powell’s Books。 波特兰还有一个著名的甜甜圈店——Voodoo Doughnut. Voodoo Doughnut附近的停车场边是这块著名的标牌—— Daisy在边上U.S. Bancorp Tower上30层的Portland City Grill订了晚餐。这算是波特兰为数不多的高楼,风景还不错,但是菜比较一般。 Day 2: Columbia River Gorge | 哥伦比亚河谷 第二天我们去了哥伦比亚河谷。可惜天气不佳,风又大,没有久留。 Day 3: Trail Blazers | 开拓者队 这一天的主题是NBA。我们运气很好,用很低的价格买到了位置极佳的票。 比赛也非常精彩,独行侠 (a.k.a. 小牛, Mavericks)和开拓者实力相当,最后东契奇0.6秒的压哨3分硬是把准备提前离场的波特兰球迷拉回来多看了一个加时。 我们还拍下了东契奇常规时间最后的压哨3分。 这次是我们第二次去波特兰,这一次酒店所在的neighborhood并不是很好,看到不少流浪汉,以及疑似的毒贩交易。对波特兰总体的印象就是weird, 不过作为购物和看球的目的地还不错。
今年的感恩节,难得我们早早地计划了去圣迭戈的行程,逃离阴冷的西雅图。 It seems that we’ve never planned any trip that much ahead of time. But we were eager to escape from the cold rainy Seattle, in winter. San Diego, fortunately not affected by the wildfires, was our destination. Day 1 Old Town & Waterfront | 圣迭戈老城 & 中途岛航母博物馆 下飞机租了车,我们直奔第一个目的地——圣迭戈老城。可能因为是在感恩节当天,老城里游客不少,但又显得格外冷清,因为商店几乎都关了门。 We headed to the Old Town …