When the weekend happens to be a sunny one, you know that nothing can stop Seattleites from going outdoors. We decided to explore another spot for photo shooting Mt. Rainier.
趁着难得一遇的晴朗周末,我们选择开车一个小时去贯彻“公园20分钟效应”,顺便打卡新的雷尼尔机位——Lake Tapps Park。

We drove to Lake Tapps Park today – twice. On our first trip, we couldn’t even reach the gate of the park – 15 cars were already waiting at the gate as parking was full, and we had to wait for cars to exit first. We quickly turned around and visit our old friend Post & Pour cafe.
当我们到达公园,前面已有大概15辆车在排队。公园里车位已满,需要等里面的车出来才能一辆辆放行。于是我们掉头,前往我们已经去过3次的打卡点——Post & Pour咖啡馆。

It was not long before we eventually enter the Lake Tapps Park and find a parking space on our second trip. It has excellent view of the mountain, which also explains its popularity and why we came here twice in a day (pun intended).
第二次回到Lake Tapps Park已经是下午3点多,没有等待很久便进入了公园。不得不说里面的mountain view很棒,这也是我们一天之内要来两次的原因😏

On our way back, we had dinner at Fortune Seafood Restaurant.