The best destination for Independence Day of US may be outside of it 😉
Victoria is the capital city of the Canadian province of British Columbia, on the southern tip of Vancouver Island off Canada’s Pacific coast. Named for Queen Victoria, the city is one of the oldest in the Pacific Northwest, with British settlement beginning in 1843. The city has retained a large number of its historic buildings, in particular its two most famous landmarks, the Parliament Buildings (finished in 1897 and home of the Legislative Assembly of British Columbia) and the Empress Hotel (opened in 1908). The city’s Chinatown is the second oldest in North America, after that of San Francisco. – Wikipedia
加拿大不列颠哥伦比亚(British Columbia,Canada)的省会维多利亚市(City of Victoria)位于加拿大西南的温哥华岛的南端,地处北纬48°25′,西经123°22′,是温哥华岛上最大的城市和海港。它气候温和,属海洋性气候。一月份气温4℃~5℃,一年霜冻期只有20天,年平均降雨量27英寸,雨季为冬季,六月至八月降雨只有2英寸。市内秀美宁静,繁花似锦,一年四季绿草如茵,素有”花园城市“的美称。– 百度百科
🏨 Fairmont Empress Hotel | 皇后酒店
Opened on 20 January 1908, The Fairmont Empress, formerly and commonly referred to as The Empress, is one of the oldest hotels in Victoria.
🏛️ Legislative Assembly of BC | 议会大厦
🌆 Downtown
Chinatown – the oldest one in Canada, 2nd oldest in North America.
🏚️ Old Victoria Customs House | 海关大楼旧址
The Old Victoria Custom House or Malahat Building, in Victoria was completed in 1875 and designated as a historic building in 1987. It is a three-storey, mansard-roofed, custom house overlooking Victoria’s harbour, symbolic of the time when Victoria was the pre-eminent commercial centre on Canada’s West Coast. – Wikipedia
🌹 The Butchart Garden | 布查特花园
The Butchart Gardens (built 1904) is a 120-year-old world famous 55-acre display garden located in Brentwood Bay.
布查德花园,又译宝翠花园,是一个花卉展示园,离维多利亚以北约23公里。花园的前身为一座石灰石采石场,占地5.26公顷,由珍妮·布查德(Jennie Butchart)指导下于1904年至1939年间改建而成。
🏰 Hatley Castle | 海特利古堡
Hatley Park National Historic Site is located in Colwood, British Columbia, in Greater Victoria. It is the site of Hatley Castle, a Classified Federal Heritage Building. Since 1995, the mansion and estate have been used for the public Royal Roads University. – Wikipedia
海特利古堡(Hatley Castle)位于加拿大卑诗省维多利亚市,是前卑诗省督詹姆斯(James Dunsmuir)在1908年建成。它典雅的建筑外型、奢华的室内装潢和精美的花园,吸引了不少游客前来探究20世纪初维多利亚富豪的生活。詹姆斯的父亲是维多利亚的煤矿大亨罗勃特(Robert Dunsmuir)海特利古堡位于皇家(Royal Roads)大学内,从维多利亚市区往西大约14公里的路程。——百度百科
🏔️ Malahat SkyWalk
Malahat SkyWalk is an accessible 600m TreeWalk through a beautiful arbutus forest leading to a spectacular gentle spiral ramp that takes you up 32m to a sightseeing lookout offering views of Finlayson Arm, Saanich Peninsula, Mount Baker and the distant Coast Mountains.