Our first trip ever to the coast of Pacific Northwest.
Weekend Getaway @ Snoqualmie
Our weekend getaway at Snoqualmie.
🧨🧧Chinese New Year @ Orlando | 在奥兰多过年
We spent a week in Disney World and Universal Orlando for the Chinese New Year.
Labor Day Weekend in NM | 新墨西哥州3日浅度游
We visited New Mexico for the first time during this Labor Day long weekend.
Immersive Getaway In Central WA | 沉浸式网红民宿及周边打卡之旅
An immersive nature experience in Central Washington.
3-Day San Juan Islanders | 三日岛民
3 days of islander life for July 4th long weekend on San Juan Islands.
🌴Memorial Day in Desert | 棕榈泉沙漠之旅🏜
We spent this Memorial Day long weekend in a desert destination, Palm Springs.
西雅图三俗之郁金香🌷2022 | Tulips 2022
去年春天我们去了Tulip Town,可惜去得太早,没到盛开的时候。今年我们等到了4月底,去了另一个花园RoozenGaarde。
西雅图三俗之华大樱花——2022 | UW Cherry Blossom 2022